Like I said before one of the things I like best about places in SL are that they can be so realistic. So today's post is all about the St. Louis Arch.

OOO nice right. Looks just like it.
One of the neat things about this place is it's interactive. Under and around the arch there are kiosks where you can click and go the Arch website and purchase tickets.
Under the arch you can wait in line (which there hardly is every any, not like RL)
You can also click the computer to get information about the arch.
And even though you can't physically go up in a elevator, you can fly up to the top!! I love flying in SL.
There is also a boat right by where you teleport in which just reminds me of McDonald's now I haven't been to the arch in like 12 years so maybe there isn't even a riverboat McDonald's anymore.
Oh and make sure you get a free tee shirt while you are there :)
The St. Louis Arch is located at: http://http//