Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cleaning inventory

Well since my class in rl sucked bad I haven't been on SL much lately. I finally finished though and now I feel like I don't know what to do with myself. I have wandered around SL some but I finally started cleaning out my inventory. I went with this idea if I don't remember it trash it-however easier said than done. I'll find something and go yeah I remember that and keep it :) I still have both valentine hunts that need to be opened. One day I was just going to delete it all but then I remembered no there are few things I like in those folders. I'll get to it eventually. I know I was looking at an upcoming hunt list and saw POE again-ah POE which started my hunt love last December. There's stores that I still go to all the time that I found on that hunt-Ivalde, Shirohato, Bingo (although bingo is really small now :(), SSUS (omg I fell in love with the penguin heels and the frostie boots, can't wait for winter again). I'm sure there is so many more and if I was a good blogger I would post slurls but alas I am not. I was a noob back then and saved up my zyngo money to buy clothes from those stores and I still shop there. The hunt really helped my fashionbility in SL. Anyway what was I rambling-oh yeah I hope my inventory is smaller by POE because the blog said there's a limit of 365 or 465 stores!!! Yeah that's alot.

Anyway here are a few pics of some stuff that I acquired along the way-don't ask me where I hoping it was in early Amie SL though.

Ugly Dress

WTF the dress doesn't match-oh and the bra is b/c I can't clean my inventory and try things on naked so I wear bras and undies, don't ask me why I'm a freaking cartoon changing in my house-sigh.
Ugly Lingerie??
I think this is lingerie?? Maybe, notice you can see my hot leopard undies-hot.
I don't even know what this is-cotton ball scarf maybe.

I don't know what stores these are from and people probably strut their stuff around sl with these clothes on. I'm just hoping I never did in early SL :-P

1 comment:

Emerald Wynn said...


I still haven't sorted the prizes from the Vain Ghostbusters hunt last year, let alone Greatest Love or Go Fly a Kite. *sob!*