Goodbye Fall...
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."
- Albert Camus
- Albert Camus
I'm going to be so busy in the next few weeks-with Thanksgiving coming next week, my last day of my internship is Monday, I work the next two days and then I'm on vacation for almost 2 weeks. But I will have to work on my final speech but then I'm done.
POE is coming up soon, omg so excited, don't know why maybe because this all started my SL hunts last year. Flickr pictures from items on the hunt are starting to come up and all the store listings are there-unfortunately not on the list are two stores that I found last year and still love. Bingo (although I don't think this is store anymore really-is attached to Elate though) and Shirohato (cutest clothes ever!!!). I'm happy Ivalde is still in it-omg last year they gave a present every day until christmas. Ahh memories that's when I was cheap-o no money, zyngo playing noob.
I plan on (yeah right) cleaning some inventory before the 8 billion hunts next month.
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