Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sooo......... so much drama lately in sl and rl.

Banana hun I'm sorry your hurting, for someone I only talked to over a blog and the occasion im (which I think were all offline) and who I never met in world I feel for you. Maybe one day when I shell out the money for a new computer and if you are still inworld we can meet and talk. As much as rl amie tries to keep rl things out of sl, her concern about everyone tends to pop up.

I don't know if you will read this...

And Middleton (which I believe your name is??) sorry for you too :( Both of you actually read my blog and were really kind.

Ok no more sadness. So RL has been busy b/c yeah apparently I can have a life w/o SL. As you know I graduated grad school in Dec. so the job search has been frantic, have a few job interviews in the next few weeks. So hopefully a full time job will come soon.

As for sl, I miss it but it's becoming less and less. I try to not read blogs b/c they make me sad, I don't want to read about the new hunt or the new Truth hairs. Though let me tell you I was dreaming of the belleza gift skin when I saw it on the feeds I was like my computer can handle me jumping online and placing in my inventory for my eventual return. But I didn't. I have a feeling I won't be back for like 2 years and will be walking around in my cool belleza skin that is two years too old LOL.

So until I have more exciting things to talk about and since this is a sl blog I probably won't post again but if you need anything email me

love you all


Anonymous said...

My husband, out of work since May '09 got addicted to sl and spent all of his severence pay on virtual stuff. When I found out what he was doing, I was livid!! Our bank account had been overdrawn every month and I had no idea why. He also wasted precious time job searching in a virtual world. He is now seeking help (at a cost) and is finally getting his resume updated. He has only had 2 interviews since May and now I know why.

Amie Adamski said...

I'm really sorry about that, yes SL can be extremely addicting and some people spend entire days on it.

I never once did not finish homework and graduated grad school w/ straight A's.

Anonymous said...

Heya Hun. Thanks for your message - I only just read it today and I can happily report that the Banana and Midd crisis is over. It took a $4000 trip to get it all sorted, but it was worth every single cent.
So its not all bad news!

I can sympathise that its hard to read the blogs when you cant get inworld to grab a cool freebie or buy something or explore. Not to mention the trillion group notices that come in about a sale or a new offer or a must-have item. Just read the blogs that make you smile and keep you informed of any goss. :)

And I'd love to hang sometime. :)