Monday, December 14, 2009

Missing inventory=Heart attack for Amie

So I log into SL yesterday and look at my inventory count-16000 what??? No no no I have over 17000 I know it so I browse my folders and a BUNCH are empty. Not only are folders empty but it seems purposely the ones that I wear/use often. Basically all my ivalde clothes are gone, my lovely Free Speerit skins are missing. I'm having a heart attack b/c not only does my computer suck but I'm missing inventory. So I of course google missing second life inventory and it doesn't really say anything but check your lost and found-umm thanks but it did say clear you cache. Now I try to do that when I remember but I figure what the hell I'll do it. Well what do you know it worked it took like 10 minutes for everything to load but it was all there. Heart attack avoided.

Here's the link for the information on what to do which is filled with a bunch of Amie doesn't understand that. Just in case (hopefully you don't) you ever need it.

Maybe the big man is telling me to stay away from SL...

In other news since I got a nice cheat notecard for the Down the Chimney hunt I have been quickly flying through that hunt-some really cute items that I have opened and seen in blogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omgomg, I would die.
Well, not die. But the heart attack would nearly kill me.
