Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Google Analytics and new Furniture

Because of Emerald- /me waves to Emerald I decided to put google Analytics on my blog mostly because I want to see the crazy search ways people get to my site but sadly my blog is not popular b/c I guess I'm not a sl celebrity or very witty (btw b/c I'm a dorky librarian I googled sl and read articles and stuff on it-did you know Callie Cline was on Maxim's hot list in 2007, well the girls for SL was like number 95 or something and she was chosen as person to show off I guessI was entertained by that), but I did get 5 views in a day with only 2 being me Yay for me!!! Oh and I do have 3 followers now-Hi Banana and Angela :) I keep forgetting to take pictures of the dress Banana made because of my obsession with flowers-that's right I inspired something, in your face Truth hair people (in reality I would die if Truth named a hairstyle after me).

Anyway so my point to the blog-well there isn't really one-I haven't really been doing anything in SL. A bunch of hunts started yesterday and I started one but got through 2 places and gave up. I give up on hunts I'm just going to places where I know the store.

Oh but speaking of hunts The Heart and Sole sim had a hunt last week and I found a new store that I absolutely adore, it's called Sommerfeld Designs-I got a living room set for for only 100l. The items I looked at in the store were around that price 100-150. Now I admit it is REALLY primmy and since I only 150 prims where I rent I had to rearrange some items in my house.

Here some pics of my set:

Another chair came with it also but I don't have enough prims :( All the chairs and the ottoman have at least 5 poses in them.

Gotta get Toby in the picture, oh and yeah I fixed my 8 feet off the ground couch

Looking hot


Now I know I'm no sl expert so maybe this furniture isn't that fancy but is cheap!! The store is doing the twisted hunt it seems and had a goth bed in it so if thats you thing go get it :)

Oh and here's my new profile picture:

Me and Toby

Hmm Amie is available for random chat ims b/c she seriously thinks she spends way too much time with her sl dog-sigh. I still look hot though :-P

So other than that I have been decorating up my house with fall stuff. I bought a fall tree months ago and bought some leaves that poof when you walk through them. I'll get pictures of that soon.


Emerald Wynn said...

Amie, this post made me laugh so hard. You are awesome and I love you. I think so many more people need to be reading your blog.

The furniture rocks.

And YAY I can comment here now! For the longest time it wouldn't let me comment.

Amie Adamski said...

Yeah I'm a bit technologically (word? hmm) challenged sometimes and fixed it lol-Aww thanks for the love :)