Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gullible Amie

So apparently or at least the word around SL is the whole Brazil missing girl thing is a hoax so yeah-but hey apparently if you search with keywords, brazil missing girl SL my blog comes up first-Yay!! So hello to my gullible friends who believe rumors on SL welcome to my little blog :)

Anyway I visited one of the showcase places tonight and took a bunch of pics but too lazy to write anything about tonight since it is 1230 and I have to get up in 7 hours. Since my blog was supposed to be about neat places in SL I figured I should start doing them again.

I'll post my two favorite pictures though :)

It's a freaking reindeer how cool is that. I tried riding it but I couldn't. BOOO. There was also horses all around too but I couldn't ride them either although if you click on them you get notecard saying you could. I want to ride a horse.

And here's me looking cute-although dark I need to learn how to play with windlight.

I had to mute a dumb guy who was following me around while I was trying to take my reindeer picture and then he followed me EVERYWHERE!!

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