Thursday, September 3, 2009


So yeah I said yesterday I posted Google Analytics to see if people actually read my site-I got a few and only about 1/4 was from me :)

So one of the neat things it does is keep track of how people get your website and how they search. So two were not that exciting and self explanatory but one was weird-it was penguin follower lsl (I have no clue what lsl is though...). So I thought hmm where the heck did I talk about penguins and do I love them.

Well I guess I do-well I have love for my SSUS pengy pumps at least and wrote of that, but since I'm a penguin follower Here's some pics for you:
Penguin fun

The penguins go around my head, I got them around valentine's day. The shirt I got last week at Avantmelon for 15L If sl would let me tp away from penguin land I could give you a slurl (I told you I was the best fashion blogger in SL).

Me with the skating penguins locat here in sl. Why does it look like I'm doing the robot, damn cheap AO.

My shoes are also little penguins-left foot has a penguin girl the right has a boy too cute.

So I really don't have much penguin stuff. The spot I was at had a tiny penguin avatar but I crashed before I could buy it. It also had penguin pets you can hold.

In RL news-has everyone seen the people of walmart website? I would post the link here but the website has been down for days b/c everyone wants to laugh at the people (ooh that might be mean). But check it out and maybe the site will be back up.

Hmm I may become penguin girl since I can't tp out anywhere.

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