Monday, September 28, 2009

U2 Concert

I LOVE U2, love them. They are my favorite band. Right after I joined SL I joined the group U2 in SL. It's one of the only groups that I joined right away that I'm still in now. Every so often the group will hold concerts with the band. The avs look like that band and the concert stage is put together how the stage is in RL. I saw U2 in rl 2 weeks ago in Chicago. I had floor tickets so I was close to the band (heaven!!).

Anyway the U2 concert yesterday in SL. Unfortunately I was busy and only went for about 30 minutes but I got a few good pictures.

This is exactly what the stage looked in RL.

Adam and Edge
Gotta love Adam and the Edge


Edge Adam
More Edge and Adam love

The pictures changed throughout the concert unfortunately my laggy butt didn't catch much.

I have a few more pictures on my flickr. Feel free to look at them

And here a RL one for you to enjoy :)

RL Edge

I have a tons more I can post but that's RL and this is SL :-D

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